Green Liaisons Webinars

Accordion Group

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  • Sustainability 101

    If you want to go “green” in the workplace, apply to the Green Office certification program and get a basic training in Sustainability: Waste reduction, Recycling, Energy efficiency, Water conservation, Green buildings and green purchasing, Sustainable food systemss, Nature conservation, Green community outreach and leadership. Register through U Learn (keyword: "Sustainability 101 Webinar"). The Sustainability 101 Webinar will grant you 50 points on your Well 'Canes account.

  • Green Lab 101

    University of Miami’s Green Lab Program is designed to promote and support world-class science by engaging researchers in best practices to enhance safety, conserve resources, and reduce waste. This certification helps labs evaluate and address 

    1. Chemicals and Reagents
    2. Materials and Reuse
    3. Cold Storage
    4. Electronics and Appliances
    5. Engagement, Equity, and Inclusion

    Register through U Learn (keyword: "Green Lab 101 Webinar")

  • Green Event 101

    Your events are generating too much waste? Don’t feel bad, Green U is here to help! This 1 hour webinar will introduce you to our Green Event program. From eliminating single use plastic, to integrating plant-based options on the menu, or offering a composting solution to your guests there are ways to make events more sustainable for all budgets. The Sustainability 101 Webinar will grant you 50 points on your Well 'Canes account.

    Register on U Learn (Keyword: "Green event 101")

  • Sustainable Food 101

    This 1-hour webinar will give you a chance to understand the relationship between our food system and the planet, as well as between our diet choices and climate change. Feel better, be healthier, and be a good steward of our environment! It is easier than you think, and you can start at the U—Green U is here to help! The Sustainable Food and Diet 101 webinar will grant you 50 points on your Well 'Canes account.
    Register through U Learn (keyword: "Sustainable Food and Diet 101 Webinar").

  • Alternative Mobility 101

    This 1-hour webinar will give you an overview of all the alternative transportation options available to UM Staff and Students. Transportation is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants that contribute to health problems such as heart and respiratory diseases and cancer. The Alternative Mobility 101 Webinar will grant you 50 points on your Well 'Canes account. Register through U Learn (keyword: "Alternative Mobility").

  • Water Conservation 101

    This 1-hour webinar will give you an overview of all the ways to support water conservation and care for water quality on the Coral Gables campus and in our community.  Less than one percent of the Earth’s water is accessible freshwater. As a result, water conservation and quality are global issues, and will become ever more important in the coming decades. The Water Conservation 101 webinar will grant you 50 points on your Well 'Canes account.

    Register through U Learn (keyword: "Water Conservation").

  • Bee Keeping 101

    Ray Santamaria has been working in Facilities Management as Lead Technician for over 10 years.  He is also the proud owner of honeybee colonies certified by the Apiary Division of the Florida Dpt of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Come share Ray's passion, discover the world of bees, and learn the basics of bee keeping with the experts! Register to the next session on 
