You should be re-directed to another page momentarily. If not, please visit site://ACAD-OPER-greenu.miami.edu/programs/green-housing/green-move-in/index.

  1. Try a plant-based diet > visit miami.edu/plantbased

  2. Recycle right > visit miami.edu/recycle

  3. Recycle more > E Waste, Batteries,  and more

  4. Walk, Bike, use Mass Transit > visit alternative mobility

  5. Live disposable plastic free > visit miami.edu/plasticfree

  6. Compost and grow your own food > miami.edu/gardens

  7. Donate, repurpose > Canes Resale + UThrift

  8. Help combat food insecurity > miami.edu/foodpantry

  9. Stay connected > subscribe to ECO-Green U newsletter + follow @sgecoagency

  10. Get involved > Become an ECO Rep

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