If you want to green your campus, have an impact on student life and leave a sustainable legacy at the U, ECO Agency is for you! Follow @sgecoagency to learn about ECO Agency, and ECO reps tabling events.
Founded in 2012, ECO Agency is the umbrella organization under Student Government that promotes sustainable living on campus. It includes the ECO Board, its affiliated Committees (Waste Diversion, Conservation, Outreach...), and the Housing ECO Reps. You have a project for UM to become more sustainable? Your idea could help us reduce our carbon footprint, enhance our waste diversion programs, or start an educational campaign! If your application qualifies, your project could be eligible for funding. Contact ECO Agency President, Ryan McMullen at rjm519@earth.miami.edu
RECENT ECO PROJECTS Glass 4 Life Recycling Free detergent sheets Ozzi Reuse Solar arrays Butterfly gardens Grow Walls Solar charging bench RECENT PROGRAMS Get Green App U Conserve
Collect your glass bottles and jars, and dispose of them safely in the secured Glass 4 Life cart located next to the Ozzi machine at the Mahoney Pearson Dining Hall.
Be more gentle on the Earth when washing your clothes: Use Generation Conscious detergent sheets instead of buying bulky plastic containers!
UM Dining is bringing reusable OZZI take-out containers to the dining halls! Purchase your $7 OZZI container from the cashier in either dining hall, fill it with your favorite foods, and take your meal to-go.
The University of Miami is going solar! The Student Government ECO Agency has sponsored two solar arrays on campus, one on top of the Food Court, and one at the Fieldhouse building.
In the last 3 years, ECO sponsored 3 butterfly gardens, one along the path in front of Canes Central, another one behind Knight Physics, and one in partnership with Fairchild BTG in front of the Campos Sano bulding.
ECO has installed 3 hydroponics Grow Walls on campus, one at the Richter Library, one at the UC Lounge and one in the Abess Center lobby.
ECO installed a Solar Bench in the Gifford Arboretum where students can charge their phone while resting or meditating next to the Sustainability Garden.
Live green, collect "leaves" and win prizes with the Get Green App: The Get Green App drives climate action by engaging the campus community in sustainable behavior.
U Conserve contest in residential colleges: ECO Reps, the housing branch of ECO Agency launched an Energy Saving contest, running from October 1 to October 31.
Canes Food Pantry Green event sponsorship Canes Resale ECO Reps Earth Month Roadmap to Plastic Free Canes Watch the UMX video - Sustainable Living Tips at the U
The 'Canes Community Food Pantry is run by student employees. You can find the Food Pantry in Lakeside Village Room 1054, which is behind Lobby A, outside, and facing the fountain. Any student, faculty, or staff member may stop by during hours of operation to receive items.
Student Government ECO Agency is proud to offer co-sponsorship to student organizations. Information about co-sponsorship processes may be found in each group’s specific application.
During Spring Move out, donate your lightly used appliances and dorm supplies to the Canes Resale Program (mini-fridges, microwaves, TVs, lamps, mirrors...). Instead of leaving them behind or tossing them, give those items a second life and support a greener campus initiative!
Become an ECO Rep! Start helping your fellow residents on environmental issues like waste reduction, energy and water conservation.
ECO sponsors a myriad of events during the month of April. From panels, workshops, community plantings, to concerts and the U Earth Day Fair, April is ECO's month!
The resolution and roadmap supported by ECO and passed by the Student Government Senate in 2020, allows progress reported on plastic waste reduction goals at the U.
Contact him at rjm519@earth.miami.edu.Ryan McMullen is the president of Eco Agency and thus oversees a variety of short and long-term projects designed to increase the sustainability of UM and enhance the overall student experience through promoting stewardship and a service-oriented sense of community. He serves as a liaison between Eco Agency and the rest of student government and helps connect members of Eco Agency to a range of on-campus resources. Ryan has been a part of Eco Agency since his freshman year and has served as an Eco Rep, outreach subcommittee members, and director of the facilities subcommittee. He is a senior majoring in Marine Biology and Ecology with minors in Ecosystem Science & Policy and Biology.
High Water Line Project- Sea Level Rise (ECO) (2014) “On November 12th, ECO brought the UM’s Head of Geology, Dr. Wanless to speak about sea level rise. As an expert, he has been featured on CNN and Rolling Stone about the future dangers for Miami. From November 18-21, Green Team and ECO Board have been working to bring awareness on sea level rise. A stark chalk line was drawn all around campus to show which areas would be 6 feet under water in 80 years” Kill-A-Watt Energy Saving Competition (2014) Kill-A-Watt Energy Saving Competition was an energy saving competition that took place between residential colleges in 2014. $648, 6,483 Kilowatt-hours and 8,740 pounds of carbon dioxide were saved during the competition. Reuse store (ECO) (2014) The ReUse Store was a place where students could donate clothes, books, furniture, appliances, etc. or pick up the donated items for free. All left over items were donated to Goodwill. Climate Change: What lies ahead? ⇒ Panel Discussion for COP 21 (2015) The panel “Climate Change: What lies ahead?” served as a first hand report of the Climate Change Summit (COP21). The objective of the evening was to focus on climate change, the impacts of the COP21 negotiations in South Florida and the involvement of local communities. Take Back the Tap Campaign for World Water Day (2017) The take back the tap campaign for World Water Day set out to show students how to conserve water. Students were either given shower timers or low flow shower heads. The community learned how to collect rainwater and the impact of local Coca Cola projects. Coffee ground for plants (2018) In 2018, Student Government ECO, Green U and UM Dining began their Coffee Grounds 4 Plants program. To this day, they work to pick up coffee grounds from Starbucks to use as soil amendment in the UM sustainable garden at the Gifford Arboretum. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buKE-h5SGGo ECO Earth Week Banquet (2018) During Earth Week 2018, ECO hosted an Earth Week Banquet. The banquet consisted of a presentation from the Climate Monitor TV, ECO Reps recognition ceremony and screening of “The Burden- Fossil Fuel, the Military and National Security” ECO sponsored the Green Athletics Conference (2018) In 2018, ECO Agency sponsored the Green Athletics Conference. The conference focused on allowing students to learn from the professional sport world on how to make collegiate sports socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. From energy/water conservation, fans engagement, waste diversion or eco-friendly apparels, sustainability is a win-win for collegiate sports stakeholders.
For ECO events calendar, follow @sgecoagency