Disposable Plastic Free Canes

NEW: Free Detergent Sheets
Be more gentle on the Earth when washing your clothes: Use Generation Conscious detergent sheets instead of buying bulky plastic containers! Pass by the Instamarket, and get your FREE detergent sheets from the Generation Conscious dispenser. This program is brought to you by Student Government ECO Agency. Learn more


OZZI Reusable Program

This fall, UM Dining is bringing reusable OZZI take-out containers to the dining halls! Purchase your $6 OZZI container from the cashier in either dining hall, fill it with your favorite foods, and take your meal to-go. On your next return to the dining hall, return your used container to the OZZI machine and receive a token for your next use. It's as simple as that! Visit UM Dining to learn more.


The resolution and roadmap were passed by the Student Government Senate during the Fall of 2020 with a vote of 41-3. Current progress reported on plastic waste reduction goals reflects updates from the previous semester’s ECO Board Head of Waste Reduction (Last revised: April 2021 by Natalia Brown, Chair of Plastic waste reduction for Student Government ECO Board 2020-21).  Feel free to consult the ROADMAP and send us your input at greenu@miami.edu 

Live disposable plastic free at the U

Going plastic free is easier than you think!

The City of Coral Gables' ban on Plastic Bags and Polystyrene was repealed in court in 2019, but the University of Miami decided to make this policy its own and reduce single use plastic on campus. The Student Government ECO Agency is driving force on campus, and promotes reusable items and a zero waste lifestyle for freshmen at each orientation week. 

Ocean Awareness Week is an annual series of events at the University of Miami aimed to educate the public about relevant ocean conservation issues. OAW is sponsored by the University of Miami's Prestigious Marine and Atmospheric Honor Society, Rho Rho Rho. To learn more about Rescue a Reef, visit rescueareef.com.
