Intern and Volunteer at Green U

Green Patrols

Green patrols are recruited at the beginning of the school year. Their role is to help the campus operate in a more sustainable manner by 1) performing sustainability visual audits and reporting to their program coordinator; 2) implementing outreach campaigns for Green U and sustainable vendors.

- Being a Green Patrol is the perfect way students can make a change on campus by dedicating only 2 hours a week to their volunteering service.
- It is also a good way to partner with a group of eco minded students and create lasting bonds.


Green Patrol​ 's job description and positions:

  • Rudimentary Audits of sustainable operation in buildings.*
  • Labels/stickers on recycling bins across campus.
  • Coffee grounds and Smoothie King compositing bucket pick-up
  • Hydro Station Coordinator: reports number of bottles saved on hydro stations around campus 
  • Reverse vending machine: weekly input of cans and bottles in the reverse vending machine located within the foodcourt 
  • Advertising Coordinator: Manages outreach for recruitment, new social media accounts, tabling, and promotion of the Green Event program in all Student organizations.

* Pick a building from the shared Master Audit document, indicate your coordinator which building you are auditing with your team member (you will be volunteering by pair), and to note your observations (from leaky faucet, Lab computers on, projector on, to styrofoam in the kitchen or non-FSC paper in the copy room...).

If you want to learn more, contact

Intern or Shadow with the Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability is recruiting for interns every Fall, Spring and Summer:
Garden/Compost Coordinator; Green Athletics Liaison; Communication Coordinator.

Get to know our current team on our Staff page.

You can inquire more and apply by sending your resume and motivation letter to
