If you work in a lab, manage a lab, study in a lab,
and you want to make it more sustainable, Green U is here to help!
Here are the steps you will need to take:
Step 1:
- You reviewed this CHECKLIST, and posted the Green Lab flyer in a visible part of the lab.
- Review the list with your team, and call our office for questions: 305-284-8520.
Step 2:
- Invite Green U for a 15 min Sustainability 101 presentation and an audit. contact the Green U office .
The University of Miami’s Office of Sustainability challenges you to participate in the Freezer To find out more about the University of Miami’s Green Labs Program. |
You can also learn from the national experts in the field MY GREEN LAB project,
as well as the SMART LAB TOOLKIT.
Freezer Challenge: Best practices recommendations from UM Miller School of Medicine experts.
- Order a complete audit with Green U (email greenu@miami.edu). Green U will help you with single stream recycling guidelines and signage (print here). Make sure you have 1 small blue recycling bin per counter and 1 blue slim Jim (24 Gal) for each section.
- Reuse shipping polystyrene boxes, as well as pipette tips boxes (buy refillable ones).
- Use RED BIOHAZARD BAGS ONLY for the disposal of biomedical or biohazardous waste.
For proper segregation,register for the “Biomedical (Biohazardous) Waste Disposal” CBL in ULearn.
REMEMBER: Disposing of 1 Lbs. of red bag waste costs SEVEN TIMES more than for 1 Lbs. of regular trash.
NON-CONTAMINATED WASTE should be tossed in a regular trash bin; Place pipette and tips in a box and toss in trash bin to avoid poking.
Dr. Karoline Briegel, Principal Investagor in the Rosenstiel Medical Science Building decided to pay a little extra to recycle pipette tip boxes with VWR program. Unfortunately, most of #5 plastic containers are not accepted in our Miami Dade County Recycling system, but thanks to green champions like Dr. Briegel, we find new ways of addressing challenges.
If budget allows, recycle your pipette tips boxes with VWR.
Make sure you have a small recycling bucket close to counters
for those paperboard boxes and empty non-contaminated plastic containers.
Close the sash of your fume hood, it wastes a lot of energy.
Have a reuse area for glass and plastic containers.
Post the green Lab flyer in a visible area of your lab.
Try to use refillable pipette tips boxes and reuse them.
- Greener Chem Alternatives
To reduce the environmental impact of your experiments, check out these great resources for chemical substitutions:
ACS Solvent Selection Tool: Provides the ability to interactively select solvents based upon the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the solvent's physical properties.
MilliporeSigma DOZN: An online tool that identifies opportunities for green chemistry substitutions for individual chemicals and for chemical processes
OSHA - Transitioning to Safer Chemicals: A methodology for identifying safer alternatives
Michigan Green Chemistry Clearinghouse: A list of excellent resources to identify hazardous materials and more benign alternatives
- Download the Green Lab flyer
- Download the Single Stream Recycling Sign for your tall blue bins; and here is one for the kitchen/lounge: SSR sign kitchen
- Download the Turn off the light stickers, print them on 5167 labels
- Download the Shut the Sash stickers, print them on 5163 labels.
- Download the Green Pledge stickers, print them on 5264 labels.
- Set computer on sleep modes to 10 minutes or less: Activate Power Management on your computer
- Samples of Sink Aerators and Water Misers
- UM Surplus Inventory
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