Energy conservation

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  • Green Teleworking

    We all know that by teleworking we are offsetting our commute pollution. However, working from home has its own carbon footprint. Here are five tips to make your remote work life greener:

    1. Minimize paper usage, or use Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified 30% recycled paper.

    2. Choose a laptop rather than a PC, and set it to start sleep mode after 10 minutes or less of inactivity.

    3. Use a smart strip to turn off all appliances at once, and visit your FPL Account Energy Manager for more tips.

    4. Apply to FPL Solar Together to run on solar energy without installing panels.

    5. Use the time you gained not commuting to take care of your health, the ones around you, and the planet. Spend more time planting in the garden, on your balcony, or cooking fresh food.

    6. There are so many ways to conserve water too. SImply follow Miami Dade County recommendations. Learn more

  • Energy Conservation Measures

    2023 Chiller and HVAC Units Energy Conservation

    The University department of facilities management has developed an initiative to conserve energy by reducing the run times of our campus chilled water utility plants and increasing our supply chilled water temperature, from 42 to 46 degrees. By doing this, we will not have to run as many machines fully loaded during peak hours, saving energy and costs.

    We have also reduced the amount of run times on most of our building ac systems by developing a detailed AC run schedules for each building. This will reduce the amount of run time for building systems when those buildings are unoccupied. Reducing run times will also reduce wear and tear on the mechanical equipment systems. 

    Housing & Residence Life innovative energy efficiency technology

    The app-based system uses occupancy sensors and intelligent thermostats to adjust a room’s temperature according to occupancy, eliminating the unnecessary heating and cooling of empty rooms. By intelligently controlling the temperature and plug loads in unoccupied rooms, this energy management system allows a residence hall to decrease equipment runtime and energy usage without a negative impact to occupant comfort.
    Available at Mahoney Pearson and Lakeside Village.
    Learn more


    Heat trapping window film at Mahoney Pearson
    The university’s twin, seven story dormitory buildings achieved higher energy savings with the installation of heat trapping window film. The film also improve safety by reducing shattering in case a window breaks, and enhance comfort by reducing heat and glare. The University enjoys an estimated $6,500 in savings annually because of the increased energy efficiency of the Pearson and Mahoney residential college buildings. Learn more

    Heat Trapping Windows at the Wellness Center from ECO Agency



    The Coral Gables campus is a very dynamic and expanding landscape. The infrastructure and the facilities are constantly changing and growing to meet the needs of the students, Faculty, Staff and Visitors of the University. Energy costs are a substantial portion of the operating budget, requiring careful and constant scrutiny. Energy Conservation practices, efficient equipment operation and maintenance is part of the Facilities Operating Plan.


    Electrical Conservation Actions (Past & Current): The majority of quick payback energy saving actions has been accomplished. Going forward additional savings will be attained through careful monitoring and analysis of building systems and utilities consumption data, resulting in modifications and adjustments of existing building systems to maintain and improve energy consumption efficiencies.

    Electrical consumption reduction has been our main focus. Significant energy conservation improvements and activities include:

    - Construction of new LEED Buildings.
    - Improved management of our Utility Plants CHW loop control strategies and set points to reduce the cost of Chilled Water production.
    - Refrigerants upgrades to improve our chilled water loop system performance.
    - Interior Lighting retrofit from T12 to T8 lamps with electronic ballast.
    - Exterior LED and CFL lighting retrofits reducing wattage.
    - Occupancy sensors in all buildings.
    - BACnet EMS installation.
    - Utility Plants upgrade of chiller to High performance energy efficient units to address additional load.
    - High Efficiency Motor replacements.
    - Campus wide efficiency setback of thermostats during campus break.
    - Establishment of a campus Wide Set point of 74 Deg (+/- 1.5)
    - On-going routine and preventive maintenance of building mechanical systems equipment to maximize their efficiency.


    - Continue load shifting to off peak hours.
    - Continue including lighting retrofits, EMS and multi-zone Variable-Air-Volume HVAC systems, Variable Frequency Drives on Air Handler Units and pumps on major and minor building remodel projects as appropriate.
    - Continue Interior lighting retrofits as equipments fail.
    - Continue installing occupancy and daylight harvesting sensors where applicable.
    - Continue installing converting exterior lighting from timers to photocell.
    - Continue High Efficiency Motor replacements as motors fail.
    - Continue EMS retrofits during major remodels.
    - Consolidate off period activities into selected energy efficient buildings so less efficient buildings can be set to unoccupied status.
    - Expand “Energy Saving Awareness Campaigns” 

  • Energy Conservation Tips

    General Energy conservation tips

    1. Set computer on sleep mode (here ). 
    2. Turn electronics off on weekends to save energy. 
    3. If possible, use natural day lighting and adjust window blinds accordingly. 
    4. Turn off the lights when you leave. 
    5. Set your AC thermostat on 74° F (default temp. for controlled units on campus). 
    6. Set your AC unit on 78° F when you leave your space for the day.
    7. Support this effort by reporting any energy or water waste to your Facilities Customer Service Department.

    8. Shut the fume hood sash in labs.
    9. Ensure all exterior doors and windows are properly closed. Contact Facilities Management with any issues that require corrective action.
    10. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
    11. Follow the recommendations of our Summer and Winter Break Energy Conservation Alerts
    12. Get rid of mini fridges or share with a neighbor.
    13. Defrost refrigerators once a year.
    14. Consider using a laptop, it uses 75% less energy than desktops.
    15. Ask Facilities to install LED lighting in your area is still using incandescent bulbs or CFLs.
    16. Verify that your copier is on Saving mode.

    Signs toolkit:
    - Download the Turn off the light stickers, print them on 5167 labels
    - Download the Put your PC on Sleep Mode, print them on 5167 labels
    - Download the Natural Daylight stickers, print them on 5163 labels
    - Dowmload the Close the blinds stickers, print them on 5163 labels
    - Download the Shut the Sash stickers, print them on 5163 labels.


  • Summer and Winter Breaks

    This Summer break, Green U is inviting all faculty and staff to support UM’s Energy Conservation Initiative.

    With your support, the University can help reduce its carbon footprint. Prior to leaving on break, please take the following energy-saving measures:

    • Turn off all lights, PCs, Office equipment and Electronics. This includes equipment chargers, copy machines and all other personal electronics.

    • For Personal and office refrigerators: clean out contents, defrost and unplug prior to the break period.

    • Review all offices, classrooms, labs, gyms, locker rooms, media centers, restrooms, cafeterias, kitchens and break rooms, and report to Facilities Customer Service for temperature adjustment.

    • Shut the fume hood sash in labs.

    • Ensure all exterior doors and windows are properly closed.

    • Submit any requests for facility-related repairs on items that may impact energy usage to Facilities Management.

    If your department has any continuity-of-service needs, and you are not sure exactly what to do, PLEASE CALL Facilities & Operations at 305-284-8282./ Medical: 305-243-6375




    This Winter break, the Office of Sustainability is inviting all faculty, staff and students to support UM’s Energy Conservation Program.

    With your support, the University can reduce its carbon footprint during this semester break. Prior to leaving for the break, please take the following energy-saving measures:

    • Submit a temperature & occupancy setback request for any spaces that will be unoccupied during the entire break period. You can contact Facilities & Operations (F&O) at 305-284-8282 (Coral Gables); 305-421-4815 (RSMAS) or Submit a Service Request online // 305-243-6375 (Medical campus) or visit Miller School of Medicine Service Request online.

    • Turn off all the lights, PC monitors/accessories, office equipment and electronics. This includes equipment chargers, copy machines and all other personal electronics. Set your PC’s power saver mode active; Follow this link for instructions.

    • For personal and office refrigerators: clean out contents, defrost and unplug prior to the break period.

    • Review and report any offices, classrooms, labs, gyms, locker rooms, media centers, restrooms, cafeterias, kitchens and break rooms where a temperature adjustment or setback can be made.

    • Shut the fumehood sash in all labs.

    • Ensure all exterior doors and windows are properly closed. Contact Facilities & Operations with any issues that require corrective action.

    • Submit requests for facility-related repairs on items that may impact energy, water or occupancy usage.

    If your department has any continuity-of-service needs, please call Facilities & Operations by Tuesday, December 10, at 305-284-8282 (Coral Gables); 305-421-4815 (RSMAS) or Submit a Service Request online  // 305-243-6375 (Medical campus) or visit Miller School of Medicine Service Request online. br

  • Past campaigns


    ECO Reps are launching an Energy and Water Saving contest, running from October 1 to October 31. Participate in the contest by downloading the Get Green app now!

    Residence Halls will be ranked by best performance: On Oct 31st, the one reducing the most energy and water consumption compared to September 2024 will win! Winners will be announced during the 3rd week of November. There will be mini cupcakes and sweet surprises for the winners!

    Learn more

    The building having reached the most savings by July 31st will be invited to a special U Conserve Lunch!
    Your goal will be to lower your monthly energy consumption from the previous year as shown on the third right side graph of your dashboard. The first graph shows your hourly consumption, the second one shows your daily consumption. Contact if you have questions.
    Contact if you have questions. if you're not already a Facilities Liaison, be part of our Green Liaison program.
    If possible, use natural day lighting and adjust window blinds accordingly, just like our AVP for Investments and Treasury, Charmel Maynard.

