Archives 2016


Consequences of the Fall:
Energy Security, Sustainable Development and Global Warming in the Second Decade of the Twenty-First Century  

OCTOBER 27TH-29TH, 2016


Conference Program


October 27, 2016
Day 1
University of Miami
Newman Alumni Center
6200 San Amaro Drive. Coral Gables Fl 33146

8:30–9:00 am
Coffee and registration
9:00–9:30 am
Introductory Remarks: President of University of Miami Dr. Julio Frenk, Bruce Bagley (University of Miami), Bryan Page, Director INS Interdisciplinary Program (University of Miami), Dina Moulioukova (University of Miami)
9:30–11:30 am Panel 1:
Consuls General Climate Change Round Table Discussion
11:30-12:00 pm Break
12:00-1:00 pm Panel 2:
Energy Producers North America
Moderator: Frank Mora (Director LACC FIU)
1. United States - Edward Glab (Florida International University)
2. Global Outlook after the Fall - Susan Purcell (former Director of the UM Center for Hemispheric Policy)
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm – Coffee Break
1:30 – 2:30 pm – Panel 3: Perceptions on Hydrocarbons
Moderator: Dina Moulioukova (University of Miami)
1. Carbon Tax in USA - Joseph Uscinski (University of Miami)
2. Public Perceptions and Technology Acceptance of CCS - Caitlin Augustin (RSMAS University of Miami)
Discussant: Bruce Bagley (University of Miami)
2:30–3:30 pm Lunch & Keynote Speaker Daniel Restrepo (Former NSC Advisor, Latin America)
3:30 pm–5:00 pm Panel 4: The Impact of Low Energy Prices on Latin America & the Caribbean
Moderator: Brian Fonseca (Director Gordon Institute FIU)
1. Colombia - Bruce Bagley (University of Miami) & Jonathan Rosen (Florida International University)
2. Argentina and its Energy Sector - Sebastian Cutrona (De Rioja University) & Khatchik Der Ghougassian (San Andres University)
3. The Three Amigos: the Future of Energy Relations within NAFTA - Betty Horwitz (Independent Researcher)
4. The Caribbean - Anthony Bryan (University of the West Indies) - Discussant:  Jonathan Rosen (Gordon Institute Florida International University)
5:00–5:30 pm Coffee Break
5:30 - 7:00 pm Panel 5: The Impact of Low Energy Prices on Europe, Russia and Mediterranean
Moderator: Suzanne Loftus (University of Miami)
1. The European Union - Maxime Larive (University of Illinois)
2. Caucasus - Lilia Arakelyan (University of Miami)
3. The Fall: Consolidation or Rupture in Russian Foreign Policy - Dina Moulioukova (University of Miami)
4. Low Energy Prices and Eastern Mediterranean and Arabic Peninsula - Herbert Reginbogin
Discussant: Markus Thiel (Director Miami Jean Monnet Center of Excellence FIU)
7:00-9:00 pm Welcome Reception

October 28, 2016
Day 2
Florida International University
Renewable Energy & Sustainability
MARC Pavillion
12000 SW 8 St. Miami Fl 33199

8:00–8:30 am Coffee
8:30–9:00 am Introductory Remarks:  President of Florida International University Dr. Mark B. Rosenberg
9:00–10:30 am Panel 6: After Paris
Moderator: Suzanne Loftus (University of Miami)
1. Alternative Energy in the Context of the “Fall” - John Van Leer (RSMAS University of Miami)
2. Comparing Renewable Energy Experiences: California, Texas and Germany - Felix Mormann (University of Miami)
3. The Future of Coal in the Global Economy - Hanna Samir Kassab (Northern Michigan University)
4. The Role of Data in a Sustainable Future - Felipe Arango (BSD Consulting)
5. Climate Change Mitigation - Anastasia Northland (UN Green Climate Fund)
Discussant: Daniel Suman (RSMAS University of Miami) and Ed Glab (Florida International University)
10:30 -10:45 am Coffee Break
10:45 am–12:30 pm Panel 7: Solar, Hydro, Biofuels
Moderator: Bruce Bagley (University of Miami)
1. Sustainability the Case of the University of Miami - Teddy Lhoutellier (University of Miami)
2. Solar Energy and the Fall of Oil Prices - Josh Sproat (Element Solar)
3. Biofuels - Ericson de Paula (University of Miami)
4. Hydro Energy in Brazil - Jose Maria Cardoso de Silva (University of Miami)
5. Fusion - James Robertson (University of Miami) 
Discussant: Felix Mormann (University of Miami School of Law) TBA        
12:30–2:00 pm Lunch and Key note Speaker “The Challenges of Climate Change in Miami Dade County” Daniella Levine Cava (Miami-Dade County Commissioner)
2:00–4:00 pm Panel 8: Sea Level Rise and its Impacts on Coastal Policy in South Florida TBA
Moderator: Teddy Lhoutellier (University of Miami)
1. Miami Dade Strategy on Sea Level - Jim Murley (Chief Resilience Officer Miami Dade)
2. Global Trends in Coastal Oceanography - John Van Leer (RSMAS University of Miami)
3. Adaptive Planning and Community Resilience - Thomas Ruppert P.A. (FL Sea Grant)
4. Adaptation Solutions for Communities Threatened by Ocean - Mitchell A. Chester (CLEO institute/ TBA

OCTOBER 29, 2016
Day 3
University of Miami
Energy Sector Management, Corruption & Best Practices
Newman Alumni Center
6200 San Amaro Drive. Coral Gables Fl 33146

8:30–9:00 am Coffee
9:00–10:30 am Panel 9: Case Studies Western Hemisphere
Moderator: Dina Moulioukova (University of Miami)
1. Failure of OPEC - Remi Piet (Qatar University)
2. Trinidad: Politics of Pipeline - Anthony Maingot (Florida International University)
3. Colombia Energy Sector Management the Case of Ecopetrol - Bruce Bagley & Suzanne Loftus (University of Miami)
4. Undermining Institutions in Oil Sector in Venezuela - Javier Corrales (Amherst College)
5. Mexico and Energy Sector Management - Bruce Bagley & Cristina Perez (University of Miami)
Discussant: Bill Smith (University of Miami)
10:30-11:00 am Coffee Break
11:00 am–12:30 pm Panel 10: Developing World
Moderator: Yulia Vorobiova (University of Miami) TBA
1. Chinese Energy Sector Accountability - Wenyuan Wu (University of Miami)
2. Egypt & Energy Governance - Bradford McGuinn (University of Miami)
3. Energy Sector Management in Central Asia Trans Caspian Pipeline - Theresa Sabonis-Helf (National War College)
4. Russia’s Wheel of Fortune and Centralized State - Arsen Gasparyan (University of Miami)
Discussant: Maxime Larive (University of Illinois) TBA
12:30 – 1:00 pm Concluding Remarks

This September, in partnership with the CLEO Institute, Ahead of the Tide will launch a FREE interactive webinar series
(based on our ten-part video series ) to serve as a platform for students and the general public to interact with nationally recognized experts to create community-based solutions to sea level rise.
The webinars will run on Thursdays at 4:00 PM EST Sept. 29 – November 3rd, 2016. Learn more
The series will kick off with a video premiere (a new 20 min cut of Ahead of the Tide) and a live forum at the University of Miami Shalala Student Center, East ballroom on Sept. 20th at 6:30 PM.
Free Admission - Contact Staci Stevens for more information - REGISTER
Parking available at the Pavia Garage
The event is sponsored by CAVU, University of Miami Geological Sciences Department - College of Arts and Science, in partnership with Green U and the CLEO Institute
In addition to screening the film there will be a panel conversation. Panelists include:
- Dr. Harold Wanless, Chair of UM Dpt of Geological Sciences, who is featured in the film,
- David Smith, Producer/Director Ahead of the Tide videos
- Caroline Lewis, President of the CLEO Institute
- David Godfrey,President of the Sea Turtle Conservancy
- Thomas Ruppert, UM Visiting Lecturer for the Abess Center for Ecosystems Science and Policy, Florida Sea Grant and University of Florida Extension
- Daniella Levine Cava, DIST8 Miami Dade County Commissioner.
A Florida with natural beaches conserved for all citizens and wildlife for generations to come. Ahead of the Tide is an independent movement launching a 10 part video series highlighting the effects of sea level rise and climate change through the stories and voices of local Floridians. Each short video (5 to 7 minutes) showcases various aspects concerning sea level rise includes interviews with scientists, engineers, politicians, conservation directors, educators, authors, activists.

Building energy performance simulation – challenges and opportunities
Prof.Dr. Jan Hensen
This talk starts with a general view of the background and current state of computational building energy performance modeling and simulation. Arguably this technology has the potential to deliver, directly or indirectly, substantial benefits to building stakeholders and to the environment. However the building simulation community still faces many challenges both in terms of technology and application methodology. Several challenges relate to the need to provide better design support. Issues include early phase design support, multiscale approaches (from construction detail to district level), uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, robustness analysis (employing use and environmental change scenarios), optimization under uncertainty, inverse approach (to address “how to” instead of being able to answer “what if” questions), multi-physics (particularly inclusion of electrical power flow modeling), and integration in the construction process (using building information modeling (BIM), process modeling, etc). Another group of challenges relates to the need to provide support for building operation and management. Here the issues include accurate in-use energy consumption prediction and model predictive control.
The presentation will highlight recent and current research in these areas at Eindhoven University of Technology
Location : College of Engineering - MEA 202
Date: August 26 - 10.30 am
Jan Hensen is full professor of building performance at Eindhoven University of Technology, and part-time full professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
His research and teaching focus on computational modeling and simulation for optimizing design and operation of high-performance buildings in terms of energy use and indoor environmental quality.
He is the scientific director of the Smart Energy in Buildings and Cities post-master program. He is on the scientific advisory board of several international energy institutions; external examiner at 15 international universities and reviewer for 18 scientific journals as well as numerous international research projects/ programmes.
He is past-president and Fellow of IBPSA, Fellow of ASHRAE, Fellow of REHVA. He is on the editorial boards of Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, and is the founding co-editor of the Journal of Building Performance Simulation.
Come learn how harvesting rain water can help reduce pollution from storm water runoff and provide a supply of free, non-chlorinated, pH-neutral water for your vegetable garden, prize orchids, potted plants and much more!
The workshop is free to attend and Green U will be giving away 4 rain barrels.

April 11 at 7 pm Whitten University Center - StormSurge Room
Free Admission. Finger food and refreshments served.
The Storm Surge room is in front of the Pool entrance. For directions, click here
If you have questions, contact
Here is the PDF flyer
Questions addressed that evening:
- How can communities evaluate their vulnerability to the multiple threats represented by Sea Level Rise? What do such integrated vulnerability assessments look like for Southeast Florida?
- What are the potential local government legal and financial liabilities for Sea Level Rise? How far into the future should communities be planning for Sea Level Rise?
-  How does Sea Level Rise affect the policy decisions we are making about the everglades and other natural areas?
- Are there policy changes that will help lessen the impact on less affluent communities?
- How is resiliency influencing other major policy areas within the County such as transportation, planning, or economic development?

Our panelists:
- Jim Murley - Miami Dade County Chief Resilience Officer

James F. Murley was recently appointed Chief Resilience Officer for Miami Dade County by Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Jim served has Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs under Governor Lawton Chiles and was appointed by Governor Charlie Crist to serve as Chair of the Florida Energy and Climate Commission. Previously he served as Executive Director of 1000 Friends of Florida, spent over 10 years with Florida Atlantic University overseeing research on urban and environmental issues and served as the Executive Director of the South Florida Regional Planning Council.  He is former Vice-Chair of the Miami-Dade County Sea Level Rise Task Force, a former member of the Broward County Climate Change Task Force and was recently appointed to the City of Miami Sea Level Rise Committee.  He is a founding Board member of the American Society for Adaptation Professionals and a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
- Prof. Brian Soden - Professor of Atmospheric Sciences RSMAS

Dr. Brian J. Soden is a Professor at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School for Marine and Atmospheric Science. Dr. Soden specializes in the use of satellite observations to test and improve computer simulations of Earth’s climate. He received his B.S. degree from the University of Miami, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago. Before returning to the University of Miami, Dr. Soden was a Visiting Scientist and Lecturer at Princeton University, and a Physical Scientist with NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, NJ. Dr. Soden has authored over 100 peer reviewed papers on weather and climate change. He is a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society and Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore. Other honors include the American Meteorological Society’s Henry G. Houghton Award, the National Space Club’s David S. Johnson Award, and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency’s H.E. Reid Award. Full Bio
- Thomas Ruppert P.A. - FL Sea Grant

Thomas Ruppert, coastal planning specialist at the Florida Sea Grant College Program, is a licensed attorney developing legal and policy analysis for local governments on aspects of adaptive planning for sea-level rise, community resilience, and associated long-term challenges and opportunities for Florida’s coastal communities. Areas of expertise include federal and state property rights law, beach and coastal policy in Florida, flood insurance, Florida’s Coastal Construction Control Line program, planning law, and coastal and marine permitting programs. He has worked with over a dozen partners to organize and host legal workshops on coastal issues and flood insurance around the state. Mr. Ruppert is currently involved with several initiatives within Florida communities planning for sea-level rise and maintains a website of original resources at
- Mitchell A. Chester, P.A. - CLEO institute/

Mitchell A. Chester, Esq. is a civil trial lawyer practicing in South Florida. He is a member of the American Board of Trial Advocates and an AV rated attorney. In practice for over 36 years, he is deeply concerned about developing legal, social, housing and monetary adaptation solutions for communities threatened by swelling oceans due to sea level rise (SLR). Mr. Chester is editor of (how agriculture can adapt to sea level rise and increased heat), (which explores legal and practical financial issues pertaining to sea level rise), (monetary tools for sea level rise), Sea Level Rise (a podcast which discusses topics to examine key societal issues and opportunities presented by encroaching waters), (explaining special sea level rise zones in Florida) and (SLR issues). His focus is on people, including homeowners, renters, business owners and agricultural interests as we jointly prepare for altered coastlines. He is one of the directors of the CLEO Institute , which educates government leaders and students in Southeastern Florida about sea level rise and climate issues. Mr. Chester has presented SLR and climate issues in Southeastern Florida including events at the University of Miami, Florida Atlantic University, Miami-Dade College, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, the Arthur R. Marshall Foundation for the Everglades, the Environmental Coalition for Miami and the Beaches, the Coral Gables Museum, the Florida Bar Environmental Law Section and other venues. He is a contributor to and writes on SLR issues for that international forum. Mitch has been involved in various hurricane relief and severe weather recovery efforts in South Florida and was involved in a project advocating the shipment of surplus portable classrooms to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. He helped initiate the American Board of Trial Advocates Fort Lauderdale Chapter annual scholarship for NSU law students and has served on the Chapter’s Board of Directors. In January, 2016, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Fort Lauderdale ABOTA Chapter. Mitch was involved in community efforts to relocate IKEA to the City of Sunrise, in the re-design Interstate 595 to prevent the double decking of that major roadway due to safety and environmental concerns and has advocated for affordable housing in Court proceedings and in the Town of Davie as a former Chair of the Town’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. 
Topics discussed:
- Potential local government legal and financial liabilities for SLR such as drainage, roads, and other infrastructure
- How Miami-Dade County incorporates sea level rise into our planning and infrastructure decisions.
- Future plans based on directions from the Miami Dade County Board of County Commissioner and Mayor Gimenez.
- The import of the Farmers Insurance case (lawsuit against local governments for failure to plan);
- Resilience by homeowners pushing liability as way to motivate local governments t act on property protections and property rights. 
- How far into the future should communities be planning for SLR? this is critical since we now understand that regardless of exactly when we see certain amounts of sea-level rise, we are quite confident that at least 10-20 feet of eventual sea-level rise is now effectively “baked into” the system, thus requiring careful consideration of how our plans for adaptation will help or hinder further future resilience.
- How local governments might pay for adaptation to sea-level rise since just raising the amount of money necessary for engineering adaptations will carry significant policy and equity implications?
- Climate Justice: Gentrification and the impact of SLR on underprivileged communities.
Thanks to our sponsors:

Thanks to the Environmental Law Society and the Environmental Justice Center at the School of Law
Earth Week ECO Agency
Learn more
