Archives 2017

Reusable bottles for freshmen at Orientation  


Tuesday, August 15, 2017, 9:00 am EDT – Wednesday, August 16, 2017, 4:00 pm EDT


The Student Government ECO Agency and the Office of Sustainability - Green U welcome our new students this Fall. We will be offering each one of them a reusable bottle, as a symbol of UM's commitment to sustainability and a reminder to use tap water. Canes go green!

Tree Planting in Virginia Key restoration site  


Saturday, August 19, 2017


9:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT


On August 19th, Treemendous Miami invite you to plant 250 trees and shrubs along the fence of the Virginia Key Restoration site. We will need as much help as possible. Manpower is coming from the group of veterans THE MISSION CONTINUES. Join us to restore this great native habitat on one of Miami's most amazing park.

Picnic and refreshments after service. Community volunteering hours available.

For exact time and location, contact 

Corporate Sustainability Symposium 2nd Edition: Green Finance  


Wednesday, October 18, 2017


6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EDT


Today’s corporate executives don’t just lead profitable enterprises. Managers must also understand the impact of globalization, competitiveness and social responsibility on their business models.

Corporate Sustainability Symposium - 2nd Edition: Green Finance
Oct. 18, 2017, 6 pm - 9 pm - STORER AUDITORIUM
University of Miami School of Business Administration
Sponsored by the School of Business Administration.
Networking reception 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Visit the CSS website for the full list of speakers from the investment banking world.

Food Day Keynote speaker: Raj Patel  


Tuesday, October 24, 2017


6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT


"The World That Food Made"by
Award winning writer and
Food Security expert, RAJ PATEL

The Office of Civic and Community Engagement, in partnership with the Butler Center for Service and Leadership, the Office of Sustainability - Green U, and the Student Government ECO Agency present FOOD DAY.

Food Day inspires Americans to change their diets and our food policies. Every October thousands of events all over the country bring Americans together to celebrate and enjoy real food and to push for improved food policies.

Oct 24, 6 pm - Shoma Hall, School of Communication (room 3053 - Communication International Building - map)

Oct 25: Food Day Fair - 11 am to 2 pm in the UC Lounge

Visit for more information

Food Day Fair: Community partners, food samples, smoothies...  


Wednesday, October 25, 2017


11:00 am – 2:00 pm EDT


October 25
11 am to 2 pm - Fair Food Fair at the UC Whitten Lounge
1 pm - Tropical Fruit Crush at the Rock plaza

Our partners:

UM Fresh Table: Raising Fresh Produce For Our Community!

UM Dining Services: Greener Fields Together initiative and samples from Fresh Fusion.

UM Community Garden Club: Learn about UM new Arboretum Food Garden project in Spring 2018.

and many more...

visit for more information

ECO float  


Friday, November 03, 2017


7:00 pm – 10:00 pm EDT


Alumni Weekend & Homecoming is a campus-wide event that takes place once a year on the Coral Gables campus, and is a time that all alumni and friends come together to celebrate being a 'Cane! We hope to see you November 2 – 4, at Alumni Weekend & Homecoming 2017.

Alumni Weekend & Homecoming | University of Miami

Green Athletics Conference at the U: Collegiate Sports Sustainability  


Friday, November 10, 2017


12:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST


Come network, learn, and exchange ideas with peers from around the State, and from the Professional sports world on ways to make collegiate sports socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable.

Visit the Green Athletics website

UM Law Sustainability 101  


Tuesday, November 14, 2017


12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EST


Nov 14, 12.30 pm at Law School room F109
Free admission
This is a 1h workshop open to any student, faculty or staff member. It will introduce the participants to Environmental and Climate Change science basics. More than a theoretical approach, it will give participants hands on solutions to integrate sustainability practices in the workplace.
Learn more

America Recycles Day  


Wednesday, November 15, 2017


12:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST


AMERICA RECYCLES DAY is sponsored and organized by the Student Government ECO Agency.
Join us at the UC Rock Plaza on November 15 from 12PM-2PM.

Students will learn about Single Stream Recycling and what can't be recycled in Miami-Dade County. 
Ben & Jerry's will be present as well giving out FREE ICE CREAM to all students who attend! 

Learn more at

Food Waste Movie  


Thursday, November 30, 2017


6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST


Join us for a special movie screening of "Wasted! The Story of Food Waste"
Nov 30 at 6 pm in Ungar 230-C/D (2nd fl in the Eco System Science and Policy Dpt)
ZERO WASTE Picnic served - RSVP by sending "Movie" to Taryn Dennie -  

WASTED! THE STORY OF FOOD WASTE aims to change the way people buy, cook, recycle, and eat food. Through the the eyes of chef-heroes like Bourdain, Dan Barber, Mario Batali, Massimo Bottura, and Danny Bowien, audiences will see how the world’s most influential chefs make the most of every kind of food, transforming what most people consider scraps into incredible dishes that create a more secure food system. WASTED! exposes the criminality of food waste and how it’s directly contributing to climate change and shows ushow each of us can make small changes – all of them delicious – to solve one of the greatest problems of the 21st Century. 

DIRECTED BY Anna Chai; Nari Kye  PRODUCED BY Joe Caterini; Lydia Tenaglia

presented by Student Government ECO Agency, sponsored by UM Dining

9th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit  


Thursday, December 14, 2017, 8:00 am EST – Friday, December 15, 2017, 4:00 pm EST


Broward County will host the 9th Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit on December 14-15, 2017 at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale. This year’s summit will focus on “The Business of Resilience” to engage the business and wider community in critical discussions on adaptation, climate and energy solutions, and resilience. The summit will feature keynotes and panels with business leaders; local, state, and federal government officials; and other experts discussing plans to ensure the region not only survives, but thrives, in the face of sea level rise and other climate impacts.… 

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Come celebrate Mother Earth on the Lakeside Patio April 21st from 10 am to 3 pm!

On Friday, April 21st at 12PM, University of Miami Random Acts of Kindness will be presenting our 11th annual Hug the Lake event at Lake Osceola.

Join us for 15 minutes to celebrate Earth Day by participating in our green booths and hugging the lake! Free donuts will be available for green booth participants and free eco-friendly shirts will be provided to everyone who participates in the hug! If you’re interested in volunteering please fill out the google form below. Don’t forget to RSVP on Facebook and/or OrgSync and invite your friends!
Volunteer Form:
Facebook Event Link:
OrgSync Event Link:

We Hope to See You There!    Abbie Auster - RAK President


- 10 am: Green Fair - ECO art exhibit
- 12 pm: HUG THE LAKE
- 1 pm to 3 pm: Net Zero Energy Concert with Frost School of Music

During the day, you will have a chance to:
- Pass by the ECO- Green U table to get your punching card, visit our booths and start learning while having fun.
- Learn from our partners how they promote Sustainability in our region: Check the list of vendors from the Green Fair below.
- Win sustainable prizes like reusable water bottles, recycled fiber bags or Sustainable food vouchers.
- Listen to a Frost School of Music sponsored Concert. The electricity used for the concert will be offset by Renewable Energy Credits, making the concert NET ZERO ENERGY.
- Admire the Eco-minded work of art from UM School of Art’s professors.


presented by Random Act of Kindness and the Butler Center for Service and Leadership:
At 12 pm, you are all invited to Join us for 15 minutes at Lake Osceola to celebrate Earth Day by participating in our Green Booths & hugging the lake.


GREEN FAIR List of themes and vendors:

Waste Diversion(Waste Management, Dade Recycling, Shred-It);  Water (Coca Cola, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Dpt); Green Purchasing (VWR, Staples); Green Building (USGBC); Renewable Energy (Alternate Energy Company); Alternative Transportation (Zipcar, SemaConnect EV charging station; UM Parking &Transportation)

Local Non Profit and Government: Coral Gables Office of Sustainability, Dream in Green, Citizen Climate Lobby, Treemendous, UF Extension - MDC Florida Yards & Neighborhoods .
Sustainable Food: UM Dining Services, Herbert Wellness Center, Solar Smoothies with UM Student Health, and Ice Cream at Ben & Jerry!

UM Student organizations: USGBC Student Chapter; CommUnity Garden Club; Environmental Law Society; Green Committee; Plant Based Canes; Food recovery Network



WINTER BREAK - Energy Conservation Initiative

This Winter break, Green U, Facilities Management and the Student ECO Agency are inviting all faculty, staff and students to support UM’s Energy Conservation Program. With your support, the University can substantially reduce its carbon footprint during this semester break. Prior to leaving for the break, please take the following energy-saving measures:

• For any spaces that will be unoccupied during the entire break period, please contact Facilities Management at (305) 284-8282, or (Coral Gables) or at 305-243-6375 (Medical) to submit a temperature & occupancy setback request.

• Turn off all lights, PCs, Office equipment and Electronics. This includes equipment chargers, copy machines and all other personal electronics.

• For Personal and office refrigerators: clean out contents, defrost and unplug prior to the break period.

• Review all offices, classrooms, labs, gyms, locker rooms, media centers, restrooms, cafeterias, kitchens and break rooms, and report to Facilities Customer Service for temperature adjustment.

• Shut the fume hood sash in labs.

• Ensure all exterior doors and windows are properly closed. Contact Facilities Management with any issues that require corrective action.

• Submit any requests for facility-related repairs on items that may impact energy, water or occupancy usage to Facilities Work Control by December 18.

If your department has any continuity-of-service needs, and you are not sure exactly what to do, PLEASE CALL Facilities Management by Friday, December 18, at 305-284-8282 ( Coral Gable) 305-243-6375 ( Medical), or email at (Coral Gables).

You want to get your office Green U certified in 2016? Apply now !



Come visit our booth on March 22nd on the Rock to celebrate World Water Day.
- Learn how to conserve water with Miami Dade County Water Use Efficiency manager, and get your free shower timer or low flow shower heads*.
* Bring up to two old shower heads and receive two new high efficiency models
- Learn how to collect Rainwater for your garden and plant Florida-Friendly Landscape with the professional team from UF/IFAS Extension.
- Learn about how Coca Cola is promoting sustainable water projects around the world.

Pass by the Take back the Tap table and try our tap water blind tasting, you will be surprised!

Watch this video

Take Back the Tap Campaign
Food & Water Watch is working with students at colleges and universities across the United States to promote tap water over bottled water on their campuses.
Private companies are bottling up our most essential resource and selling it back to us at thousands of times the cost, depleting local water supplies, polluting our waterways with plastic waste and contributing to climate change in the process. Students running Take Back the Tap campaigns are rejecting bottled water on their campuses and leading the fight to protect our essential water resources for current and future generations.  Learn more

UN World Water Day
Water is the essential building block of life. But it is more than just essential to quench thirst or protect health; water is vital for creating jobs and supporting economic, social, and human development.
Visit the United Nations World Water Day website

