Download and print this sign if you need signage in your office, your lab, your dorm
... and remember: NO FOOD - NO LIQUIDS - NO PLASTIC BAGS in the Recycling bins.
- For any Heavy Recycling, Clean Out or Move out, Please place a Work order
at 305-284-8282 (Coral Gables/RSMAS) or 305-243-6375 (Medical)
- For FOOD WASTE and Composting tips, visit
- Add this footer (Here is how) to your emails to promote good recycling practices:
"Trash can free" desks' guidelines
“Do you find that recyclables and paper are the most common “trash” in your desk-side trash can?” Reducing the number of trash cans that are on-site at people’s desks, and having Central Waste Stations will:
- Increase the amount of recycling, translating in savings (tipping fees are 15% lower for Single Stream Recycling)
- Cut down on can liners is a direct benefit to the environment and a cost reduction for the institution
- Encourage public health by having occupants take a few trips a day to this core location to dispose of their waste (50 Points on your Well Canes Card if your office take it a step further and apply to the Green Office Program).
- Reduce the risks of odors and small pests occurrences
- Allow for janitorial teams to focus on more sensitive areas of the building
- Increase our current diversion rate from landfill from 30% to 45% by 2021
- Make more efficient use of our janitorial teams schedule
- Reducing the cost of waste disposal through lower recycling tipping fees, reassignment of janitorial teams duties and reduction of small cans liners.
- Take your few waste items to the Central waste stations placed in traffic areas for ease of access on your floor
- The small recycling desk bucket cannot have liners, otherwise it could get contaminated.
- Optional: Invite offices to give mugs, or at least to mention the use of individual mugs as temporary storage of small trash waste
- New policy should include some exceptions for areas that don’t have enough space or easy access to central stations, and on an individual basis exceptions related to special needs (diabetic discarding treatment…).
Blue recycling bucket:
- Use your small blue bucket for all recyclables (EMPTY and CLEAN plastic containers, steel or aluminum cans, non-confidential paper documents, and light-weight cardboard; Check the signage and video on this page)
Go Green, Go Canes!