Green Building Policy

Accordion Group

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  • Green Building Policy

    In support of the University's commitment to a high level of environmental stewardship and social values, it is the policy of the University of Miami's Design and Construction department to plan, design, construct, manage, renovate and maintain its facilities in a sustainable manner.  This policy applies to all new construction and all major renovations.  All projects shall consider sustainability issues including site design, water, energy efficiency, products and materials that minimize environmental impact, and indoor air quality.  All contractors, architects, and other vendors shall be required to participate in this team effort to minimize the impact of University construction projects on the environment.

    The US Green Building Council's LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Building Rating System, which establishes guidelines and evaluated the environmental sustainability of buildings, will be the design and measurement standard. Specifically:

    1. All new buildings shall be designed and constructed to attempt to reach a minimum standard of LEED Silver rating.
    2. Projects will strive to achieve a higher level than LEED Silver whenever possible.
    3. Major renovation of existing buildings where major portions or floors of the facility and infrastructure are upgraded shall be designed and constructed to attempt to reach a minimum standard of LEED Silver rating.
    4. Minor renovations shall follow good sustainable design practices and shall comply with the University of Miami Building Component Standards.
    5. University of Miami Building Component Standards shall be updated regularly to include the latest Green Building components and standards as deemed acceptable by Design and Construction and Physical Plant.  All projects shall follow the standards whenever possible.
    6. Contractors and Architects shall employ, whenever possible, LEED accredited staff to assist in the management and documentation of design and construction activities for LEED certification.

  • Energy Star Buildings

    Gables One Tower & UHealth Don Soffer Clinical Research Center are Energy Star certified buildings. Learn more about Energy Star Buildings here

